Thursday, September 1, 2011

Hope, Feeling, and Pleasure of Mine

New Month has come, has my new spirit and hope come too? I think the answer is depend on how I face what will come. Yeah, I’m only a commoner having bad mood and good mood. But, being a moody is not good. We won’t be constistent to do what we should do.

Then, being moody is our choice. Why? Of course, isn’t this life a choice? I link it to that words. Life is choice. You wanna be serious, mad, easy, or whatever you like to be providing you don’t harm others. It’s legal you decide to choose your life. No one has the right to ban your choice. We are independent man.

Ocasionally I feel that what I do and did is true. Surely this is pure because I’m introvert. Hmm, but it’s not suitable too to mention myself as an introvert boy, I just try to enjoy my life. Yeah, Just that’s. Believe or not is up to you. You freely evaluate me.

Okay, back to our point that new month has come. Well, speaking about September I remember a date that will be so meaningful to one of my friend. She will celebrate her birthday. I’d like to welcome it. I feel I will celebrate my own birthday, haha.

I consider from now, what kind of gift I will give to her. Hmmm, this confusing case because I rarely give any gift to my friend and certaintly I hardly ever get any gift, haha, poor me. Hold on, she is a woman, hmmm, no no, I mean not yet a woman but not a girl too. It’s complicated right?

Something impressive and unforgetable is my consideration in giving a gift. This is not because I don’t want to be forgotten. I personally think that a gift should have a meaning and an aim. Meaning friendship and to aim to appreciate her. Do you have any idea?

Well, I think I will find the appropriate one by pass. I really hope she will be my close friend because up to this time I confuse when others ask who my best or even my close friend. Am I such an individual? I think no. I just a person hard to find best friend. Huuu, how bad is it?

I write this in the morning, haha, it is 00.00 more a bit. I feel I’ve got an insomnia syndrom. Heuuuu, it’s hard to make my eyes closed. Feeling tired to make my eyes closed. Haha, funny right? The more I try to sleep, the more unsleepy I feel. Ohhh, no.

The best media is you (red: laptop) to express my feeling. Haha, I gonna be like a girl, ckck. Then I start to write what I feel, what I’ve passed, what I think need writing or in Indonesian we call “Curcol”. That’s one of my characteristic my friends mention me. Haha, they call me, “Agus tukang curcol”. This happen when I speak in front of class some time ago. Xixi.

Writing gonna be my new habits. I enjoy writing. In my opinion, by writing means that we could inform what we know, and we could make it be known by others across the time. Yeah, I write something informed now, my next and even my grandson will still be able to read my writing.

And by writing we can memorize something tighter in our mind. It will be remembered for a long time by us. So, being a writer is a amazing job. I always amaze to the writer. Although for now I just write what pass on my mind. Then one day, I will be able to write as others expect. Is it good?


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